A place for my thoughts

Posts tagged ‘Chiron Square Natal Mars’

More Growth, More Changes

Another wave of change has been occurring within me at an astonishing rate.  I realize that I am listening to a different drummer this time and that I shouldn’t ignore its presence. It’s not just Self speaking.  It resonates very clearly; asking me to listen and visualize and sort through all that emerges from the depths of my being. I’ve learned to follow the silent voice of inner awareness that urges me forward in the processes that are taking place in my life.   It has made itself present to me and I can’t, nor do I want, to ignore it.  I’m being pushed and pulled and molded into someone who is becoming more comfortable in her skin. I am comfortably uneasy with this process that sometimes makes me want to squirm and hide my head in the sand.  But unless I stop, listen and fully move through whatever is obstructing me I will remain stagnant.  Issues of control, issues of independence, some pain associated with old behaviors and my belief systems are being affected.  I am also driven to write and it feels good to let it out.  I want to be aware and watchful as well as honest and open-minded as I continue to peel the layers, process the information, learn the lessons and continue my journey of growth and change.

Transiting Chiron in Strong Sextile with Natal Mars:  The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. Issues of outer-directed activity are emphasized for you at this time. There may be a degree of pain associated with realizations around the areas of how you assert yourself with other people and what exactly is your place in the world of activity and outward drive and ambition. You may feel that unconscious drives are more powerful than your overt conscious motivations at this time. You have a powerful urge to create during this period, and you need to get in touch with how to use this energy and what it is that you want to accomplish. You may experience frustration in trying to go your own route, independent of what consensus reality surrounding you may dictate. Old wounds in the area of self-assertion and how you make your way in the world may also come up at this time as you try to find your true path. It is only by going deep within yourself and trusting the intelligence of your own inner awareness that you can make a movement toward healing these issues and enter a new birth of understanding and trust in your own process.  (TimePassages)